Random Facts....


Club Photographer
After spending the morning learning about genetics and the Chromosones in our DNA I thought I'd get a new thread started about any random facts people may know :)

The one I want to share is that for parents that have a ginger child, and one parent say how the ginger is not from their side of the family is untrue:

Brown hair gene is the most dominant, and red hair is a recessive gene. Therefore, both parents must have the red hair chromosone in their genes to have a ginger baby!! It never comes from one side of the family and there is a 25% chance of a ginger baby so the red hair gene could stay hidden for many generations and you wouldn't know about it!
You Learning? you hurd it on the Chris evens (c wot i did) morning show the other morning he was talking about it :wave::wave:
Was he? Ha, how funny! I'm doing Biology at the moment at College and was doing genetics this morning.
OK, random fact 2:

Teleportation actually exists, though at the moment only on tiny levels.

This is all down to a phenomenon known as quantum entanglement, where two particles that have physically interacted become separated but share the same properties no matter where the particles are. For example, imagine you have 2 pennies that are stacked on top of each other and constantly spinning. You can measure the pennies at a given moment to see if they are showing heads or tails. You separate the pennies (which stay spinning) and put each one in a box. One penny stays with you, the other is flown to the moon. Even though there is no longer a physical connection between the 2 pennies, when you measure the penny that you kept, the one on the moon will read exactly the same thing. So if your penny is heads, so would the penny on the moon.

This is the basis behind quantum teleportation, the two particles of the pair will always be the same. So, say we want to transport a pound to the moon, we must first apply a unitary operation on the pound and our penny which binds them. We then measure the PennyPound, that act of which gives us some state data and destroys our penny and the pound. On the moon, the penny now contains all the information about the pound, but is in 1 of 4 random states. Using the data recorded when we measured our PennyPound, we can apply a unitary transformation to the penny on the moon, which turns it into an identical re-creation of the pound we had on Earth.
Nice one Darren. I guess you could use this as a communication method. If you can flip one of the two entangled particle on earth and the other is on the moon, you would have a very fast communication method, must faster than radio currently used. Like the 7mins to get data back from mars.
The only problem is that once you send something over the pair of particles are destroyed leaving only the re-creation of what has been sent. But you may be able to do some sort of communication if you can control for example if the particle is representing a 0 or 1, then the paired particle should be the same. To be honest, I don't know how they operate in a Quantum Computer, all I know is that the particles can represent both 0 and 1 at the same time. Either way, I'm sure people infinitely smarted than me are looking in to it.

On thought that I had was with human teleportation. Basically every particle in your body is measured and sent in the same way that as the penny/pound example, the pennies being the split pair of particles and the pound being a measured particle in your body. All these particles and data is sent across and and you are re-created on the moon (still using the example, could just as easily be new york or melbourne etc, wherever the particles paired particle is). My thought is that if you're reading all the particles of the person and you know which particles are bad (for example infected with a disease of some sort), then replace that particle with a copy of a healthy particle, then when you're re-created you would be cured of your illness. I'm sure people have thought of Quantum Health Care before. Sounds good to me though. Stand in a chamber, emerge in an adjacent chamber completely cured of your infection/disease/cancer. Takes all of 5 minutes, no operations, no scars, you can carry on after better than when you walked in the room with no recovery time. Just a thought ;)
Scuba Divers can't fart at depths more than 33 feet and below....
Scuba Divers can't fart at depths more than 33 feet and below....
Who tested that one? was someone alongside them with a microphone?
I guess if they do, their wetsuit will inflate and they float to the top.

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ya cant lick ya own elbow

and the size of ya elbow to ya wrist is same size as ya foot ( i know ya all now there tryin to get ya foot on ya wrist lol )
Big Ben does not refer to the clock, but actually the bell.

There is nowhere in Britain that is more than 74.5 miles from the sea.

The first telephone directory published in England contained 25 names.

While the Great Fire of London was largely destructive, the casualty rate was just 8.

There are over 300 languages spoken in England.

French was the official language in England for about 300 years

The English drink more tea than anyone else in the world.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]Chickens outnumber humans in England. (immigrants probably out number British people too)
London is the first city in the world to have an underground subway system.

80,000 umbrellas are expected to be lost annually in the London tube. (where do they all go?)

England has the highest rate of obesity in Europe.

The first fish and chips restaurant was opened in 1860 by a Jewish immigrant.

The English invented the world’s earliest railways.

The Beatles originally called themselves the Blackjacks, and then the Quarrymen.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, sans-serif]England is thought of as having the world’s worst food. (probably because not must British food around anymore)
A shrimp's heart is in it's head.

People say "Bless you" when you sneeze because when you sneeze,your heart stops for a mili-second.

In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80 years, no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried its head in the sand.

A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. (also short for users of Twitter)

More than 50% of the people in the world have never made or received a telephone call.

Rats and horses can't vomit.

If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib.

If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.

Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

23% of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts.

In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders.

Most lipstick contains fish scales.

A person can live without food for about a month, but only about a week without water.
If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty.
If it's reduced by 10%, you'll die.

Uranus' orbital axis is tilted at 90 degrees. (This is a planet, in case you thought it was something rude)

Every year about 98% of atoms in your body are replaced.

If you went out into space, you would explode before you suffocated because there's no air pressure.

Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.

On average, half of all false teeth have some form of radioactivity.

A chip of silicon a quarter-inch square has the capacity of the original 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block.

At a glance, the Celsius scale makes more sense than the Fahrenheit scale for temperature measuring. But its creator, Anders Celsius, was an oddball scientist. When he first developed his scale, he made freezing 100 degrees and boiling 0 degrees, or upside down. No one dared point this out to him, so fellow scientists waited until Celsius died to change the scale.

At a jet plane's speed of 1,000 km (620mi) per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length.

random fact 1... does dan do any work ?
random fact 2... no
random fact 3... does dan put alot on forum ?
random fact 4... yes
Almost all heavy elements (everything but Hydrogen, Helium, and a bit of Lithium) comes from stars that have gone supernova. You are made of stars.

The solar system is in orbit around the center of the Milky Way. We’re moving at about 483,000 miles an hour.

There are more molecules in a cup of water than there are cups of water in the ocean.

There are almost more atoms in a grain of sand, than there are grains of sand on Earth.

The word “bed” looks like a bed. Also… shark

The mirror image of ’3.14′ looks like the word 'PIE'.

Pepsi Cola was originally known as “Brad’s Drink”

The guy that voices SpongeBob SquarePants is the narrator in Power-puff Girls. (YAY, go sponge bob)

The sound you hear before water starts to boil is actually the first water vapor bubbles forming at the bot*tom and imploding as they reach colder water just above. The sound you hear is the shock wave that is created from the cavitation that occurs.

A sunset is usually more brilliant than a sunrise because of the dust and particles that are kicked up by the sun heating the ground creating thermals. The dust then refracts the light and creates colours in the sky.

Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a "whale’s vagina".

Helicopters do not take off or land by changing the speed of the rotor blades. The rotor blades are moving at the exact same speed at all times even when the helicopter is hovering, accelerating, slowing down or on the ground. It’s just the angle of the blades being changed.

Looking up to the left can help you access you memory, to try to find that lost trivia.
If you ask someone a question, and they look up to their left they are accessing memory, and are probably telling the truth, if they look up to their right they are being creative and potentially lying.

The Sony VAIO logo represents the transition from analog to digital.

Hugo Boss designed and manufactured the uniforms for the Nazi’s.

New York is area code 212 and LA is 213 and Chicago 312 because the largest cities got the quickest numbers to dial on a rotary phone.
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A group of gorillas is called a shrewdness.
A group of flamingos is called a stand.
A group of giraffes is called a tower.
A group of unicorns is called a blessing.
A group of crows is called a murder.
A group of larks is called an exaltation.
A group of ravens is called an unkindness.
A group of ferrets is called a business.
The sound of your heart beat isn't the heart pumping blood but the sound of the Aortic valves closing between the ventricles and atriums!