milk bottle top collection


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Its for a worthy cause. collect your plastic milk bottle lids to raise money for a wheel chair for a little boy. This little boy lost both his legs to meningitis.

Bring the bottle lids along to club night and give to Pete & Sue's Sue.

Have located an old biscuit tin and popped it in the kitchen at work with a note about collecting milk bottle caps. Lets hope they fill the tin while I'm on holiday. lol.
What's the cut off date for this?
That's a good idea, as I'm off on holiday next week.
That's a good idea, as I'm off on holiday next week.
I expect its good to get away from your heated office with no air-con. Are you going somewhere warm? I'm off next week too.
Amsterdam = Windows Shopping. :eeek:
Last time I was there I was working, so sadly didn't get to see the sights. Wouldn't mind going back to see the sights.

I'm off to Spain, the g/f's P's live there now so its a nice cheap holiday. :O) gonna take my laptop with me as need to do some work, designing a new control board for the camaro lights, which will have more diagnostic information to try to eliminate some problems people had had in the past.

Just popped to the works kitchen and found 18 bottle lids, someone must have been collecting them and donated them to this cause. :yes: Lets hope I need to find a bigger biscuit tin.
lets hope so . my friends wife collects them for brownies .when she found out why we wanted them she said she had 2 carrier bags full we can have . also people are asking if we have any more info on the little boy so they can spread the word for us and get us even more . matt
one more thing have managed to get a raffle prize out of my boss and possibly my dads boss who is a manager of a large tyre company
HI guys, do we have any more info on this young lad e.g. name etc?? Also, can we donate cash or is it just bottle tops? if cash i have an idea that maybe fellow renegades could help with.
hi everyone thanks for your help so far, i will be getting rest of details on wed 14th so i can fill in the blanks then, a dairy company has told the family that if they get the same weight in bottle tops as the weight of wheelchair they would purchase one for them, unfortunatly money is not accepted but pete said if ya got any spare he would have it lol, keep saving and catch up soon many thanks to all, sue.

Matt how did you get andy to part with somethin ?????? pete
hi pete sue . not sure how andy parted with it but he did so grabbed somthing before he changed his mind . oh and the 2 carrier bags has become 2 bin liners matt x
I haven't got any yet as been away since this all started but will put them by when we get home. xx
You have Tracey they are on your draining board, chucked the milk out and kept the tops lol xxx
Hi Renegades

A quick update on the milk bottle top appeal, i think i can safely say this appeal has struck a chord with a lot of us so we need your help. I have been in touch with the two premier inn hotels at North Harbour and they are saving all there bottle tops and i am about to approach a couple of dairies i know of near me.I would like to see if we can get enough tops in the next couple of weeks so we can get this little lad a wheelchair ASAP.I thank all the Renegades for your support with this and all yours freinds and family.As soon as Pete and Sue have any more info we will let you know so watch this space.Any one else out there in Renegade land,Keep em coming!!!

Cheers Superb!
Wow how good am I? Not even there and saving them!!!!!Keep up the good work Renegades x
Hi Renegades

Just a quick update on the milk bottom tops appeal,as of yet still no details on the little boys name but i know Sue and Pete are working furiousley to sort this out.I hope everyone is still colecting like mad,apart from the two Premier Inns at North Harbour and i have now got the Southampton General Hospital saving them for us as well.Superb! if anyone has a pub or Hotel or tea rooms / cafe near them just pop in and ask do they use milk cartons and can they save the lids,most of spoken too are only too happy to help.Keep upo the good work Renegades i would like to get this done and dusted by the time our show gets hear.

Tally Ho Chocks Away!!!

I've got half a bin liner, I'll bring them along tonight. Hopefully Pete is bringing the day van tonight as I dont think these will all fit in the mustang if 'matt 103' is bringing his too.

Feels like I've missed car club for ages. Only missed one, but it seems longer.
My misses is a Supervisor at HMS Collingwood, and is going to ask them to keep all the tops in the catering area, plus ask staff etc.....

Superb, the more people collecting the merrier. Thanks for getting HMS Collingwood to join in.

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