Garage Plans

6 weeks it should be complete, we'll that is the plan anyway.
yes she has to lock him in there so swmnbo can enjoy the house lol,,,,

4ft deep foundation in for the brick walls.

Bricks starting to go down. :)
That one might need some more explaining for my benefit!

If you look at Dan's boundary wall you're looking at the base of the brick. Normally bricks would be laid alternatively using the stretchers (long bit) and headers (short bit) leaving the largest surface area to take the mortar. What people started to do was set bricks on their edge (rat trap bond) which is only good for things like boundary walls and ephemeral outbuildings as it doesn't have real structural strength. People used to build things like privies out of it as you can cover a larger area with less bricks. Never seen it done that recently though.
I've never paid much attention to your boundary wall before as your garage is much more interesting, but I've noticed it's a modern rat trap bond wall! How cool is that! They were used a lot in the 19th and early 20th centurys to save bricks by laying them on end.
House was built in 1966 if that helps. The wall is a little wobbly if you lean on it, it has no pillars, just a single skin wall, its not ours, so we are not touching it. We are leaving a fair gap for the guttering and over hang this will all be clear of the wall by about 15cm.
Ok have researched it - basically it means rather than the brick laying flat - it lays on the edge? Is that right??

Have to ask though - how did you spot that :) :)

Quite common in the late 60s early 70s apparently :)
And no frogs were harmed in making of this wall LOL,,,,
The builder found a frog and set him/her free.
And no frogs were harmed in making of this wall LOL,,,,
The builder found a frog and set him/her free.

Doh, stephan ca was talking about rat runs with the bricks so i was talking about frogs, Frog is a term used for the reses in the bricks,
The terminology for the indented portion in moulded bricks is reputed to have derived from the indented marks that pit and brickwork ponies left in soft earth -the cleft in their hooves being called a 'frog'.
see this site is full of useless knowlage lol,,,,
Tell you what, I'm glad they got the concrete in your trenches pretty sharpish Dan. I had dug out my old garden path ready to lay a new one (been waiting for a free weekend and a break in the weather to finish it).
This was yesterday morning after all the rain! Got a damn canal in my garden! All that's missing are a few narrowboats! lol
(And yep...before anyone comments, that is a Mini in the background haha).
Wow that is a lot of water.

Hopefully stays dry today as the brick layer is planning to work today and tomorrow to get ahead of schedule.
have to start a new thread will if you get a narrow boat lol,,, Mini wash your mouth out unless it's got a V8 in it....

tradesman working sat/sunday wow you paying him tooooooo much,
have to start a new thread will if you get a narrow boat lol,,, Mini wash your mouth out unless it's got a V8 in it....

tradesman working sat/sunday wow you paying him tooooooo much,
More progress today, shifted trailor, and mud. Laid more bricks/concrete blocks

