Upgrading forum to 4.1.12


Forum Admin
Staff member
Version 4.1.12, has been released this morning. So just going to do the upgrade this morning, then going to look into why it wont let me edit articles on the front page. Well it lets me edit, but after a couple of edits it no longer saves :(
The upgrade went smoothly.
Looking into why the article edit's are not saving. Therefore I have disabled all plug ins.
The Garage, Media and other sections will be live again as soon as possible.
Just another note. I couldn't log in using the form at the top right of the screen. Thought it might have been a browser issue, so tried another browser and had the same results. I ended up logging in by clicking the log in button and using the try again form.

The symptoms are that I simply can't click in to the username or password boxes. When I refresh the page, I see an outline flash up so I'm wondering if it's a transparent layer (think layer rather than image because right clicking in the area shows not image related menu options) that's blocking the username and password fields? The cursor doesn't change to a text input cursor either, and the hover over tip for the log in button only shows up once you move to the right hand side of the "L" of login.

I'm using a 1280 wide desktop by the way. Some people with 1024 may not be able to get in at all as the whole of the log in button would then be covered?
Thanks for that Darren. The screen comes up blue on mine where there is a white box on yours.
I must get that sorted. as you say its hiding the log in button.
The box is made by google Adsence. I was going to trial it, they are sending blank content at the moment. I couldn't see any issues on mine. I will try another browser too. Was that Google Chrome you were using?
I've just tried it in firefox11, Chrome18, and IE8, no white box.
I have put in 3 line breaks to where the box would be, so it should have shifted it down.
The white box only stays up for a second or so, then goes blue, but I think it's still leaving a layer there so that what's behind it can't be accessed.

I've tried it in Safari, which didn't show the white box but I couldn't click on anything behind where it would be. I also tried it in IE9 which flashes up the box (which could be anything from fractions of seconds to around 2 seconds). Once again, couldn't click on the login fields, though the options that it would cover once logged in seem uneffected, so maybe they have a higher z-index or something like that?
Splendid. Thanks for letting me know about this. I couldn't see an issue on my computer, but then I remain logged in.
I have noticed not as many people are posting although I can see them logged in.
I'm just installing Safari.