That was hilarious :lol:
Though in general I'm in the middle with the whole cars vs cyclists debate. There are idiot drivers that don't look enough, signal, or give enough room, but there are just as many idiot cyclists that don't obey the rules of the road (ie go through red lights), ride in the middle of the road (this usually applies the the tosser spandex roadie brigade), or just ride like tools in general (such as chav's with their hands in their pockets riding down the road). Maddie rides to work every day and has fortunately not had any bad accidents, though she has come close due to drivers not paying enough attention to anything that isn't a big box on 4 wheels (she's almost been knocked off, one car came so close that it bend her rear mudguard).
Of course, throw in motorbikes too, and it goes in favor of the bikes. I was nearly knocked off by some old fool that didn't look properly before pulling out of the junction. How he could miss my bandit with its loud exhaust and headlights on I'll never know. I'm just glad Maddie wasn't on the back (which she was 5 minutes earlier) as it would have taken me longer to stop and we'd have both probably ended up in hospital.