When I win the lottery.......

when I win the lottery I will be very busy saying NO to all the begging letters ha ha seriously though I would buy my darlin whatever he wants and my kids and my friends, hope its more than a tenner ha ha xx
When I win the lottery I've got a long list for things to get:

house, wedding, cars, bikes, & the usual money for the family to make sure they don't have to worry about anything.
Those cars are very nice, all in one place. He has his own car show. would be a nice place to vist if you were there on one of the 3 open days. He could make a mint like Beaulieu.
What about those peope who say "ooh, if I win the lottery, I wouldn't give up work"....Yeah, right!
They don't flippin deserve to win it do they!

I would have sooo many cars, boats and toys, tinkering with them all would be a full time job anyway! LUUUVLY!
I would have all of the above, make sure my friends & family are set up for life and travel the world - ahhhh dream on Tracey :)
Those cars are very nice, all in one place. He has his own car show. would be a nice place to vist if you were there on one of the 3 open days. He could make a mint like Beaulieu.

Mind you looking at that lot I think it would take a double rollover!
If i won i'd give it all away cus i'm always in the shit with money so i wouldn't miss it!