Votes on the New Camaro


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What do people think of the new Camaro?


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The UK version looks like summat Hotwheels would create - black looks cool, just not sure if I personally like the front bumber, but could always be changed... The US spec silver and black is my choice - ummm, future classic?!?


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Lingenfelter has built a prototype of a Trans-Am based on the new Camaro. Over the years the Camaro and Firebird Trans-Am have always made cars simular, mainly just front and rear bumpers differ.
Lingengelter usually take a standard car and beef it up, increasing the power and handling.
This Trans-Am (not made by pontiac) has a 455ci engine. Its certainly giving me ideas to want one. 650hp/610tq, that's some awesome power plant.


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Certainly see the old school looks! Just goes to show that if these new cars have to look like the older classics then they must have been doing something right back then!
Wonder if there will be any takes on the ol' 32's?? Nice small town car, ideal for citys with parking problems, just not sure whether 900cc is appealing enough!! I'm sure Paul could always blow it!
Most of you know that I make Knight rider Style lights for cars. Well there was a guy in the states who wanted one custom made for the new Camaro 2010. Its still in development at the moment, parts being machined up etc... well had an email this morning. Callaway Europe, emailed me as they heard I ( was making these lights. There email is as follows:-

You have an excellent product, we all really like what you have made for the Camaro.

Our company Callaway Cars is specialized in converting Corvette and Camaro.

We would like to become your (exclusive) dealer for Europe, USA and the Middle East.

At this moment we are preparing the delivery of our first European Supercharged Camaro (600hp) and it will be delivered the end of this month to a famous F1 driver.

It would be great if we already could fit this first car with your lighting LED system and make advertising for it.

I feel this is an awesome achievement. Someone as big as Callaway have found me, and interested in the product. Just wanted to share with everyone. :punk:
It was that pic on Wikipedia that did it i reckon haha!!! Thats fantastic news Dan. Doea this mean you have to go to the States? if so we could all go woop woop !! :punk:
It was that pic on Wikipedia that did it i reckon haha!!! Thats fantastic news Dan. Doea this mean you have to go to the States? if so we could all go woop woop !! :punk:

That would be nice to visit the states. Believe it or not I have never been :whistling:. One day i will make it there. Lets hope this thing really take off, have picked up the circuit boards today. Its physically making a product out of it now. Electrically its much the same as previous designs. :w00t:

I don't know if they will want me over there as much of it can be done over email and posting things. However its a nice thought of them flying me over there and staying in a nice place.
Hi Dan
What a Superb! achievement Callaway cars is a big company and to think they will be showing off this Camaro with one of your light kits on it and belonging to a Formula 1 driver, how cool is that.Well done mate, you have worked hard and its well deserved recognition.

Cheers Superb!
Hi Dan
What a Superb! achievement Callaway cars is a big company and to think they will be showing off this Camaro with one of your light kits on it and belonging to a Formula 1 driver, how cool is that.Well done mate, you have worked hard and its paid off.

Cheers Superb!
Camaro 2010 Scanning Light

The Camaro light that I've been making is almost done electrically. Have posted a video on youtube.
[video=youtube;QakDlS8sf_8][/video] this will certainly get the interest going :punk:
Will do a more professional video later on, this is the first one. Like a prototype light. Have added an extra features where it can be controlled via a keyfob, the keyfob range should be around 50 meters.
Thos lights are awesome :D When i get a car you may have to hook me up Dan :p
Looks like someone is doing a Trans-Am conversion from the new Camaro. itemZ220584192209QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks

Trouble is there is no where to put the Knight Rider Scanner Lights. I'll have to work something out on that.
As many of you know by now I make the knight rider type lights. The Camaro lights sales have gone so well I have no time to myself any more, good job I enjoy doing it.

Sold 180 lights, and shipped around 130 lights, so I need to test and pack many more but its getting there.

Started a website just dedicated to the Camaro Scanning lights called
This also has a forum attached to it, the same forum as on this Renegades forum. Had some practise with the renegades one so this was a breeze to set up. More customers are going to send photos/videos of their ride, so it could turn out to be quite popular. :001_07:

What do ya all think of the new Camaro Scanner site?
hi dan the sites looking good nice workloveing the lights
hi dan the sites looking good nice workloveing the lights

Thanks, The new Camaro lights have taken off really well.
We have 3 mustangs in the club with the KS4048 scanner lights fitted that I make, I think if I get a few videos of them and pop a link on a mustang forum they could take off really well too.

Keeps me busy and out of trouble.
Ahem thats 2 as i am still waiting for mine to be fitted. If anyone out that cares to offer to fit them i am more than happy to make a cake in return hehe!!!!