Upgrade to 4.1.11


Forum Admin
Staff member
Forum was upgraded yesterday to the latest available version. All went to plan, no hickups.:nod:
cool, it's always nice when things just work.

Any idea why some of the smileys aren't working ? :) :lol: ;) etc
Any idea why some of the smileys aren't working ? :) :lol: ;) etc

I'll look into that right now. Thanks for spotting it.

EDIT: found the issue, a lot of smiles were in a different directory when the forum was forum.solent-renegades.co.uk, although many smileys changed path, it seems some I need to do manually. I'm working on this now. :tea:
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Over 300 smiles, only about half were pointing to the incorrect location :doh:. All fixed now :high5: