the caddy

matt 103

Core Member
heres the caddy . or the shed, the turd , cruella or buck the caddy of many names.


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I like the name Buck. Gives him character :)
why thank u ladies xx
The Caddy will be great once you get it the way you want it. One thing I will suggest is research the engine. When I was looking through to find out if it was a carb or injected I saw a lot of comments about making sure you take care of and check the coolant level often, as this engine is prone to getting leaks across the inlet gasket, and if you don't catch that soon the engine will break. I'm sure yours is the HT4100 engine, so have a read up on that ;)
cool thanks darren
Hi Matt

Im loving your Caddy, it has so much potential, first thing i would do is lower it, if you need a hand with that let me know,i would be happy to ablige.

I would like to encourage more Renegades helping each other with there cars, whether it be actually helping to do the job or making cups of tea or just being there to cheer and spur you on, everyone has a talent they can offer. Come on Renegades get out of the armchair and into someones garage.

Every project needs input,without input theres no project! Superb!
thanks steve
03102010166.jpg03102010167.jpgcruella's new plates
hI Matt

Liking the new plates mate, i had some made for the Camaro, but took them off before i sold it, and now i will put them in a frame. When are we going to lower it then?

Speak to you soon.

Cheers Supe's!
nice plates il be geting some soon as i have the cash where did you get them done
Oooooo i want Americany looking plates for Lenny now. Look what you have started Matt!!!! I am still tryting to get my head round her being a she and called Cruella as i still have it in my mind he is a he and called Buck!!! Hows She going now anyways?
all gud dalamtion print head lining ordered. the plates come from
had to be done trace .. she is a deville hence cruella
I sat and read that and couldn't work out what lining you had ordered and then it hit me - Dalmation print - i get it now
done any more to the car
no mate not yet . not had time or weather
Thats the trouble with this time of year. I put things off from doing them in the summer as i want to use the car, then when it gets to winter, the work cant be done as lack of daylight, cold and wet.