Southampton City Classic Car Show = Sunday 5th August 2012


Club co ordinator
HI all

I have had an email inviting us to the Southampton City Classic Car Show. It is held in the main High Street and this is their 2nd year in having it. Apparently it was a huge success last year and so decided to do it all again.

It is on Sunday 5th August and booking will be required. I will get more details and advise.
think i ma go
If anyone is interested in attending this show on Aug 5th can you please let me know yes or no asap as I need to book us in and would like to get an idea of numbers. It was a great success last year and would be a nice change to do something different. Plus lots of nice shops!!!!

Let me know

Cheers Trace
count me in
Need to git me-self a classic! :fear:
Neo you can bring yours along. Just come with us :)
It was mentioned at club night. Meeting up the hill to convoy to this, to leave the hill at 9.30am. (correct me if I'm wrong)

Do we still need an idea of numbers to let the organisers know?
Sorry i haven't commented before as i have had no internet. Time is right Dan and i have given them a rough idea already on numbers however we need to take note of the following:-

Please remember
? Bring along a tray to put under your vehicle and keep any oil off the road
? Live Music to dance the day away or relax and sit back and enjoy
? Lots of places to enjoy some great food and drink
? Prize giving ceremony at 2.00pm for best turned out vehicle/best dressed driver
and passengers/best speciality vehicle
? Local shops bars and restaurants
? Car show by local car dealerships
? Marshalling being kindly provided by volunteers from Lions Club Southampton,
if you can give them a donation that would be great!
I may enter the best dressed driver category wearing only my sponge bob boxer shorts. :whoo:
after a damp start , weather was great , lots of people taking photos , some new friends made....dan , parked in the centre of town went shopping and it cost nothing .
I've uploaded some photos here:- TransAmDan's Album: Southampton 2012

Mine and Marks new friend in the blue