Signup method slightly changed.


Forum Admin
Staff member
Over the years we have many many people sign up to the forum, at one point it was 10 per day that I was verifying/declining.

In the sign up process, you had to enter your details, and have to put in the reCAPTCHA? code, this was a couple of obscured words. The process would then send the person who signed up an email, this email has a link you had to click to verify your account/email address. Then each day I was presented with users to moderate. So I could then manually filter out names that looked dodgy.

The reCAPTCHA was put in place to filter out many 'robots' that trawl website signing up to all sorts in aid to post adverts, these adverts could be dodgy or an obscene nature. However I guess the robots have gotten clever over the years and can read just as good as us humans, or perhaps even better than us. There is always a difficult one you just cant read yourself.

Last week I changed the reCAPTCHA method to question and Answer. The questions are simple, especially if you know a bit about american cars. I can think up questions and pop them in to be asked when people sign up. One of them being, 'What car manufacturer makes the Firebird' so they are really simple questions. It is surprising how many signup's this has reduced. In the last 6 days we have has 1 person sign up. This would have been around 40 the week before. So its certainly working. I used to check the origin of the IP address to find out where people were from, but I think some people has some IP substitute going on. I wouldn't want to block solely on area, as say some people from America may have interest in the club and want to follow things. Although many of our members are local.

So its all working rather well :) The Questions and Answer signup is working better than expected. :clap2:
Nice one dan ( I have no idea what it means but it sounds fab )
Just an extra measure to reduce the amount of sign ups to the forum from junk posters. All to make the website a batter place :)
They might be signing up all well and good BUT are they active on the forum / Now thats another question?
Well some of the spam ones are only active for a few days, post some junk in the albums and dissapear. At least by implementing this I don't have as many albums to delete before I delete the spam posters. So its saving me time in the long run.

Event regular club members arn't all active on the forum.

We need to think of a way to get them to keep coming back :) Free beer tokens?
How about petrol vouchers ? could have a ?10 petrol voucher in your raffle ???????????
lol, that could bring a lot of people onto the forum. :p