An amazing headline isn?t it ? Government takes action to cut pump prices!
The only problem is that it refers to the FRENCH GOVERNMNENT taking action to cut pump prices for FRENCH families, small businesses and the country?s economy. It?s all the more amazing when you realise that the French Government have taken this decisive action AND their diesel price is about ?1.15 per litre! ? far lower than ours. Many of our supporters have reported that UK pump prices have steadily risen over recent weeks and are now approaching record levels. Again!
FairFuelUK?s central argument is that fuel taxes need to come down to help boost UK growth. We have been successful in persuading the Government to defer over 9p per litre (11p if you include VAT) of fuel taxes. However, we are redoubling our call for a CUT in fuel prices in the light of the French example.
We are asking you to urgently do 2 simple things to get the fuel price crisis back on the political agenda and help us fight for a fuel duty cut here in line with the French example?..
We need even more of our supporters to sign up to our specific calls for inquiries into the trading in, and supply of, petrol and diesel. Let?s get the Office of Fair Trading involved and lift the lid on "who is making what" at the expense of long suffering consumers and businesses. Even if you are an existing ?signed up? supporter on please add your sign up to our calls for these inquiries at Call for inquiry
We?ve revamped our website at Please take a look. You?ll see that over the summer we have been joined by Aldermore and Palletline as major supporters of our campaign. Please click through and visit their sites ? they will appreciate your interest and continue to back FairFuelUK. Why not buy a campaign sticker or some other FairFuelUK merchanise ? proceeds help us to run the campaign. Remember, the more sign ups we have, the stronger our voice becomes.
FairFuelUK is widely credited with saving over 9p a litre in Fuel Duty (that?s 11p a litre when you add the VAT). This has only been possible with the help of supporters like you.
We are doing a lot of lobbying and campaigning on your behalf and we?ll have more updates in the coming weeks?????at the moment, our priority is to spread the word and drive up the signups to our campaign. So please forward on the sample email below??
Kind regards,
The FairFuelUK Team
Follow FairFuelUK on Twitter and Like the FairFuelUK Page on Facebook
Here is a sample email to send to your friends and colleagues. This will make a huge difference to the continuing success of the campaign. Simply "Copy and Paste" this text into your email application...
FairFuelUK is fighting to get lower petrol & diesel prices. They are urging the UK Government to follow the example of the French Government and CUT fuel taxes. I share their view that this is vital to get the UK economy growing. The extra growth will compensate for any loss of fuel tax revenue. They need thousands more supporters. It?s free to sign up and it only takes about 20 seconds. Please sign up at [url][/URL] and then pass this message on to as many family, friends, contacts, customers, suppliers, staff, colleagues as you can. FairFuelUK is widely credited with saving us 9p of Fuel Duty rises over the last year ? that?s 11p per litre when you add on the VAT. With a big show of ?people power?, they can achieve so much more??
An amazing headline isn?t it ? Government takes action to cut pump prices!

FairFuelUK?s central argument is that fuel taxes need to come down to help boost UK growth. We have been successful in persuading the Government to defer over 9p per litre (11p if you include VAT) of fuel taxes. However, we are redoubling our call for a CUT in fuel prices in the light of the French example.
We are asking you to urgently do 2 simple things to get the fuel price crisis back on the political agenda and help us fight for a fuel duty cut here in line with the French example?..
- We urgently need even more supporters signed up to FairFuelUK. We?ve achieved a lot with our 300,000 ? but to have a chance of persuading our Government to follow the French example and actually CUT fuel duty, we need thousands more. Please, even if you would never normally do this sort of thing, copy the sample email at the foot of this message and send it to as many family, friends, contacts, customers, suppliers, staff, colleagues as you can. Every extra sign up makes our campaign stronger. We need our call to ?go viral? across the internet. And let?s remember that the August 3p Fuel Duty rise was not total cancelled ? it was deferred, and is scheduled to hit us on 1st January. With the economy still in deep trouble, we need more signups to help us pressure the Government into making an announcement now that this rise will be scrapped completely.
- As well as getting the Government to take action on Fuel Taxes, we need action to tackle the ?smoke and mirrors? surrounding pump prices. We need answers to these questions:
We need even more of our supporters to sign up to our specific calls for inquiries into the trading in, and supply of, petrol and diesel. Let?s get the Office of Fair Trading involved and lift the lid on "who is making what" at the expense of long suffering consumers and businesses. Even if you are an existing ?signed up? supporter on please add your sign up to our calls for these inquiries at Call for inquiry
We?ve revamped our website at Please take a look. You?ll see that over the summer we have been joined by Aldermore and Palletline as major supporters of our campaign. Please click through and visit their sites ? they will appreciate your interest and continue to back FairFuelUK. Why not buy a campaign sticker or some other FairFuelUK merchanise ? proceeds help us to run the campaign. Remember, the more sign ups we have, the stronger our voice becomes.
FairFuelUK is widely credited with saving over 9p a litre in Fuel Duty (that?s 11p a litre when you add the VAT). This has only been possible with the help of supporters like you.
We are doing a lot of lobbying and campaigning on your behalf and we?ll have more updates in the coming weeks?????at the moment, our priority is to spread the word and drive up the signups to our campaign. So please forward on the sample email below??
Kind regards,
The FairFuelUK Team
Follow FairFuelUK on Twitter and Like the FairFuelUK Page on Facebook
Here is a sample email to send to your friends and colleagues. This will make a huge difference to the continuing success of the campaign. Simply "Copy and Paste" this text into your email application...
FairFuelUK is fighting to get lower petrol & diesel prices. They are urging the UK Government to follow the example of the French Government and CUT fuel taxes. I share their view that this is vital to get the UK economy growing. The extra growth will compensate for any loss of fuel tax revenue. They need thousands more supporters. It?s free to sign up and it only takes about 20 seconds. Please sign up at [url][/URL] and then pass this message on to as many family, friends, contacts, customers, suppliers, staff, colleagues as you can. FairFuelUK is widely credited with saving us 9p of Fuel Duty rises over the last year ? that?s 11p per litre when you add on the VAT. With a big show of ?people power?, they can achieve so much more??