I've been contacted by a metal polishing company. Perhaps its one to keep in mind for the shiny bits on our cars.
wasp metal polishing ltd
Unit 13 trafalga wharf
hamilton road
po6 4QE
We are an experienced team of highly skilled metal polishers.
We currently have seven employees.
We feel that with the experience we have with in the company we would be able to polish anything.
including motorcycle / car and boat parts
We offer a wide range of internal polishing with weld removal down to and below a 0.4ra reading.
This also applies to external polishing.
Mirror polish or sateen finish or just deburring.
Our company is well equipped with floor spindles dyno-files pencil-grinders flex floor machines angle-guns rotaries and other machinery available.
We at Wasp metal polishing are friendly reliable and willing to help in any way we can.
If we can be of any assistance to you in the future please do not hesitate to contact me.
Tele/fax 02393 388044
Mob/ 07836656395