I passed second time. Was 19 the first time and 21 when I passed.
Was at college at the time, drove for 13 hours spread over many months as that was all I could afford. Failed that time for speeding on the eastern road, doing 34mph in a 30 zone. I said if I look at the speedo anymore while driving i wouldn't be looking at what I'm approaching. I also failed on an emergency stop. He said if it had been raining i would have skidded, however it was raining and i had my wipers on so i don't see what the problem was there. They get to a quota of a certain amount passing each month. I reckons i was near the end of the month.
The second time I had the head of Hampshire chappy for my test. I thought I am doomed. We say in traffic for 20 of the 35mins in Southsea which helped. I passed that time.
Well done for passing first time. Lets add this up, you must have been at least 18 when you passed, and that was 20 years ago... I didn't know you were that old, :noidea: you don't look it.