cherry bombs or similar wanted

matt 103

Core Member
hi guys

i need 2 cherry bombs for bee poss with 2 and 3/4 inch outlets . happy to pay for them

shout me back


hi matt , i have a pair of cherry bombs 3 inch outlets , you can have them for free , i had them on my day van .
thanks guys . thanks very much mark
Open header sounded pretty good though. I suppose you need to muffle it a bit for driving. :)
yea your right she did sound good . just need it a little quieter
Sounds like you have some power in that car, it revved very quick, must have a special cam, and perhaps a lightweight flexplate. You are gonna have some fun in that. Looking forward to hearing it with the new exhaust system on it, hopefully you get it done at the weekend. I might pop up again.
hope so not sure depends wat pete has planned . your welcome up any time