Cars for Prom / Birthday / Wedding Hire


Forum Admin
Staff member
If anyone has a car they would like to hire out for proms / birthdays / weddings and wanted it to be added to the following page. Then please post a picture, and contact details in this forum thread and I'll get it added to this page.
I did have some cars on the list a couple of years go. Some were lost. Some were old and no longer contactable. So its always good to flush out the old and put in fresh data.
I'll put my car up, sometimes they like it rough and ready lol

I've done 1 prom and am doing a friend's wedding in September too, so I could always do more :)


I'll take some up-to-date photos at wheels day for the prom page.
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Goodo, the more the merrier.

Really looking forward to Wheels day. Fingers crossed for good weather, and fingers crossed we have enough petrol to get there.
Darren, did you want to put your car up for prom hire etc?

Anyone else that wants me to generate a page on this, just give me similar details to what I have put down for me car, eg, picture and contact details and then I will get your car listed on this page too.