Who owns the rights to photos on Facebook?


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I've just been looking though a few photos on the Wheelers facebook page. Someone has written 'Copyright 2013' in the title of the image that's been uploaded, I recall reading something to do with image ownership on facebook. You may think you own the photos, but as soon as you uploaded them to facebook its a different story..

I came across this following article
Who has the Rights on your Facebook Photos? | DreamGrow Social Media

Which states....
To share the event with family members and friends, you upload the photos to your Facebook page. As soon as you do that, Facebook becomes the owner of the photos. You no longer own the rights to the photos. So if Facebook chooses to use your photo in an ad to promote Facebook, you can not ask for compensation. You can not even ask Facebook to remove it as you did not provide permission. By uploading your personal photos to Facebook, they own the rights. No arguing.

So if you have something private, you certainly wouldn't put it on facebook in the first place, but any image that you give to facebook they can do what they which with. Well I guess its like posting something though someones letter box, you don't expect to keep ownership of it.

Facebook is a big money making exercise, its making millions if not billions in advertising revenue. It has a huge legal team and will make money however it can.
It's been the same for years, the second you upload it to facebook they own it!
Thats why I let the chap know on victory wheelers website, he was uploading photos with copyright in the information. He said it was something that happens when you upload direct to facebook from his camera. Just wanted to point out to him the facebook guidelines, as they are probably not all that clear unless you trundle though pages of info. Could be useful info to others that didn't know.

Facebook needs to be brought out by Microsoft, then it will all fall apart and people wont use it ;)
I thought there was a big suit in America over this and the courts were fighting it out?
Is there? Would be good so facebook can't make money out of your photographs.
Found an article by a photographer which might be interesting to read - https://www.facebook.com/notes/andy-rouse-wildlife-photography/facebook-picture-rights/270204724175

Along with further reading (which includes here Image Copyright in Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Flickr) that Facebook isnt actively selling anything. Everything posted under the PUBLIC setting is viewable by the world. I can see why Facebook has you agree to 'granting' them permission for PUBLIC POSTED posts, photos and videos to be viewable by the interwebs - Thats just law when you sign up with public forums (at least they cannot get a law suit put against them if a user is posting illegally)…or…so I understand?

https://www.facebook.com/legal/terms <<--Right at the top. #2 Sharing Your Content and Information

Looks like Instagram is the REAL COWBOY to look out for. They DO have it specifically written in their policy that they have the right to sell your photos. Facebook does not, nor does it imply this...unlike Instagram (which, by the way, is owned by Facebook. Hahahaa!)
Talking of Facebook, ever wondered how they store all this data they have one you? Well I came across this interesting video. Huge server racks, and growing every day.