Time to have a rant!!


Core Member
The one thing I have noticed is missing off this forum is an area where people can just let off steam and tell everyone what is bothering them, so I have started this little thread for you all to do that, doesn't have to be car related, just anything from nosey neighbours to MRKRYS69 and his stupid threads, whatever is wrong we are here (most of the time) to help you through. And NO I have not been drinking, and YES I am still taking my medication.

OK i will start . People that use disable badges for the wrong reasons,
Parking on double yellow line creating a road hazard parking acrosss road entrances loading area's and when asked to move IE. to let lorry through they shout i am disabled or someone in family use's there car and abuses the disabled badge when they are able and can walk . Disable person clearly not in car.

Don't have an issue with disable people it's hard and very difficult for some even more so if they have lost a limb. But have seen so many abuse the badge status had one the other day parked on double yellow lines right on corner on the entrance to get into small 1 hour parking area that everyone can use and where he desided to park was right out side the bakers and blocking the entrance bearing in mind car park was empty apart from my car two spaces opersite shop that he could have parked were empty and people couldnt get in so que started to form he was an oldish chap and could walk but he wouldn't move his car until he got his bread .

sometimes it's fun to people watch but think police and traffic wardens should have the power to advise and move people on.
Rant over
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Alison now has a disabled parking permit & we are always seeing folk without them parking in disabled parking areas.
German car drivers, usually WV Golf's leave turning off the motorway to the last second, cutting up two lanes of traffic causing people to make errattic avoiding manovours just because they forgot to get in the lane sooner.
Also when there is two lanes on a dual carriage way approaching the roundabout right hand lane goes right only, left and lane goes left only. Right hand lane has traffic, so german cars usually nip up the empty lane and almost cause an accident on a roundabout making a single lane roundabout into two lanes just for them so they can turn right. I reckon they should have them poles coming out of the ground to stop the buggers, as the same people repeatedly do it.
Ok my turn !!! Picture the scene, cruising along the M27 in the corvette, roof off, sun beaming down, eyes closed, I hasten to add I was not driving, catching a few rays, enjoying a pleasant afternoon drive, when suddenly I am rudely awakened by a red car, who sneakily crept along side and let rip, you know who you are, and I still havent had my revenge but I will and it will be oh so sweet lol xx
Here goes.....I have quite alot to rant about, but will limit it to just 1 item per day.

Today is the turn of.....Pot Holes

I know this is a common complaint, so thought ist would be a good place to start. Would you believe that rather than sending the boys out to fill some holes and even out the road, they have actually redone the white lines, through the pot holes!! Of an evening coming home the 7 mile journey I have worked out I actually spend more than half a mile with at least 2 wheels astride the white line, dodging craters.
Why can't pregnant ladies park in the mother and toddler spaces at supermarkets? I still have a baby just not quite here yet but find it very hard to walk a million miles to the shop with a 20lb weight hanging round your midrift!!!
Why can't pregnant ladies park in the mother and toddler spaces at supermarkets? I still have a baby just not quite here yet but find it very hard to walk a million miles to the shop with a 20lb weight hanging round your midrift!!!

We always did, never got questioned..
Sorry tracey, must have missed this baby on the way congrats to both of you
back to rant thread now.
Todays rant goes out to.........People who take advantage of those less fortunate than themselves.

Over the past few weeks Clarissa and myself have been helping a lady that has been having a bit of a hard time, after splitting with her partner he has made her feel like crap, and she is suffering from depression and other mental issues, after a particularly bad few days she has been convinced to spend some time in a home that helps people with these issues. A mutual friend contacted me a couple of days ago to see how she was, and to arrange a visit. Today I give her a call and she seemed very happy that the friend came to see her yeaterday and took her out for the day, they even popped back to her flat so that she could check her mail, and pick up a few things, what a lovely bloke I thought. That was until she told me that, so that nothing could get stolen from the flat, he had convinced her to part with her Laptop, TVs, and just about every other valuable article she owns. I think I may have to pay him a visit!!
Why can't pregnant ladies park in the mother and toddler spaces at supermarkets? I still have a baby just not quite here yet but find it very hard to walk a million miles to the shop with a 20lb weight hanging round your midrift!!!

we used to park there too we did get 1 funny look until the woman saw the ex plus bump trying to get out of a tigra
this ones for cousin Beverly known as B. WHO stole estate valued in excess of 300,000 pounds from her own mother who is 83 years old! The anger and contempt i now feel towards that member of my own family I am unable to find words for. It is THE MOST VILE MISS USE OF TRUST IVE EVER HEARD OF ,THE THIEVING LITTLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOOK THE DEEDS TO THE PROPERTY SHE WAS RENTING FROM HER OWN MUM, SHE THEN GAINED THE POWER OF ATTORNEY OVER HER MUMS ESTATE SOMEHOW. THEN SHE HAD THE DEEDS TRANSFERRED TO HER SELF AND THATS NOT ALL!! but itll have to wait
Why can't pregnant ladies park in the mother and toddler spaces at supermarkets? I still have a baby just not quite here yet but find it very hard to walk a million miles to the shop with a 20lb weight hanging round your midrift!!!

That is a damn good point Trace. A preggers Mum has certainly got more right than those with no kids at all !!
It winds me right up when people park in the kiddie spaces, then get out of their car and walk into the shop and you see them without a child...especially when you have had to walk from the other side of the car park in the rain while struggling with a toddler and your shopping!!

It should be supermarket policy to let their tyres down...same for disabled space abusers !! :biggrin1:
Tonights rant is aimed at a very special company called STAGECOACH.

For those of you that don't know, STAGECOACH is a bus company that operates all over the world, but for tonight I am going to channel my rage into the Chichester Depot (as it is my local one).

My particular issue with them at the moment concerns the fact that they have cut the runs to neighbouring villages etc on evenings and weekends, one of those being the Witterings, where I live. Why do you have a problem with this? you may ask. The problem is, Clarissa, my very significant other half has to travel from West Wittering to Littlehampton most days, either for work, or to visit/attend her wheel-chair bound mother. She can get to Chichester on the bus, Chi to Littlehampton is fine, last bus out of littlehampton is 20:30, not too bad as she finishes work at 20:00, last bus from Chi to Wittering is 20:17, whereas there used to be buses at 21:17, 22:17 and 23:17, these were cut due to the council no longer wishing to fund them. See the problem??

I arranged a meeting with one of the 'bosses' to discuss this issue. I was told that with the council no longer giving funding, STAGECOACH could no longer afford to run these buses as they were very often empty and no body used them. When I told the gentleman that this was utter bullshit, I was confronted with ' how the f*** would you know, do you purchase travel on every Wittering bus, every evening?'. 'NO', I replied, 'But, if you check your records, I do drive them'!! This did not go down well!!

TBH that was a slight exageration of the truth as I left the company a while back, but it didn't half get him thinking. Nonetheless there is still no late night buses, so I must travel every night to pick Clarissa up, OK so its not a big thing, But with her being the only one of us working at the moment and not on particularly good wages, She pays ?20 pw for a bus pass to do 3 journeys a day, and I pay ?40 pw in fuel to get her home. I also have to find someone to look after our 2 year old, as it is a bit late and cold to bring him out.

There you go, another pointless and uninteresting rant from.........ME

Night Night!!
not pointless at all just goes to show exactly what the f999k is up with local government trying to deal with privatised so called public services. the bus company has no obligation to run services it finds uneconomical, in short theres no such thing as a public service once the CONservatives have privatised it . like the ad says when its gone, its gone...
dont worry though! because no one would be stupid enough to do similar to another public amenity like... the national health service!!! David Cameron and your lib dem lap dog take note
just in case your thinking Iam a labour supporter let us not forget who introduced the idea of private company's building hospitals and leasing them to the NHS ? more of our tax money being given to private company's instead of providing quality services and care for those in the greatest need
any one see the news yesterday? The bank the tax payer bailed out announced a loss of 3.7 billion pounds for the last year.
The head of the institution said that this was a good sign that the measures in place to turn the company's debt around are starting to work. Er boll888s is all I can say to that. Go to specsavers you blind muppet!
COME THE REVOLUTION Merchant bankers will be high up on my list
Here we go, this is the big one!!

At some point in the last 24 hours, someone has decided that it would be fun to vandalise BM, nothing terminal, just rip some of the lights off, nick the spare wheel cover (which has been found, and is how I found out about the incident). So I have spent this afternoon removing hanging wires and sorting bits out.

Luckily this is a family friendly site, so I will not say the things that are going through my head at the moment. Although I do feel a Blog coming on.....
Here we go, this is the big one!!

At some point in the last 24 hours, someone has decided that it would be fun to vandalise BM, nothing terminal, just rip some of the lights off, nick the spare wheel cover (which has been found, and is how I found out about the incident). So I have spent this afternoon removing hanging wires and sorting bits out.

Luckily this is a family friendly site, so I will not say the things that are going through my head at the moment. Although I do feel a Blog coming on.....

Hmm now i wonder who would do a thing like that Krys??? The fact Pete had it for over 10 years in the same area and nothing happened to it at all. You get it and in less then a couple of weeks this happens. Some people really need to get over themselves and get on with their own lives and leave well alone. Jeez i am really angry for you mate. I think me and you will have a chat about this tomorrow night Grr!!!!
Sorry tracey, must have missed this baby on the way congrats to both of you
back to rant thread now.

Cheers Darren. We only have about 3-4 weeks to go which to me is blimming bad timing considering its the start of the season but i will do my absolute best to get to Wheels Day. Having little boy so we have started saving for his yank already haha!!!!
Hmm now i wonder who would do a thing like that Krys??? The fact Pete had it for over 10 years in the same area and nothing happened to it at all. You get it and in less then a couple of weeks this happens. Some people really need to get over themselves and get on with their own lives and leave well alone. Jeez i am really angry for you mate. I think me and you will have a chat about this tomorrow night Grr!!!!

I think we will have a chat, as I have an idea, and it may or may not be related to what you are thinking!!

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