T-Top interior peices


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Started making some peices some time ago in the 3D printer thread. https://www.solent-renegades.co.uk/threads/got-myself-a-new-toy-a-3d-printer.59794/. I have always had a part missing on the passenger side. So wanted to scan it and flip it for a copy.
This is all part of sorting the interior to the car the headlining all sorted, https://www.solent-renegades.co.uk/threads/getting-the-upper-interior-sorted-n-the-t-a.58638/

lthough the scan got me the shape it needed tweaking, I didn't have great sofware to edit the mesh scan. Althogh could customise it a little which was nice to have.
Howeer due to the mesh data it came out like it was made from pay-doh. Plus the purple is too pinky. I wanted it to be closer to the body work.

The best method really is to get a decent scan to use as a template for a 3D model drawing. I purcased Solidwords, this is a great tool for drawing up mecanical items. A lot ot learn, and there are many you tube videos to learn from. While drawing the model I kept checking on the website for new colours to buy. This Pulple Galaxy one turned up. Printed out a test boat. The colour is closer than I expected it would be, even has some metalicy bts in it.

Next was to get a decent model. So I used the Creality Scan Otter. This worked great, needed to use my 3D spray as some shiny bits dont like being scanned. The scan gives it a white matte finish that totally evarorates without a trace 4-6 hours later.

Far more detailed than the original scan I had from my phone.

It even picked up all the part number writing.

Also the crack that was in it. Another reason to redraw and repair it.

I drew i the front face and created a back face, although not much of the bac fase will be left at the end it was needed to extrude the part as a solid block.

Then made the back side holow, went for 2mm this at this point. This may change.

Then it was only creating shapes to cut out of it.

With around 4 cuts so far from different directions it is taking shape.

Add some holes and give the front face a slight rpunded edge.

Sent it to the printer, to make a draft copy. Only around 40mins to print.

Looking great


Nice uniform thickness. So artifacts there from beinf printed as draft. Its quicker but its 0.28mm thickness per layers where super fine is 0.08mm layer thickness with this 0.4mm nozzel is achievable.

So what my aim?
Well I need to test this fits. I want to make something that looks good and unique. Inastad of the outer edge being smooth I'd like a hexagon pattern. This pattenr is on the air intake, the rear lights. Would be great to follow this through to the interior. I also want to be the 'Trans-Am WS6' on the front face again like it did on the pinky models.

The hexagon pattern takes some work, but have found an online video. So I will watch this and get the model updated.

Something to do over the christmas break. Although I seem to have so much planned now not much time for relaxing. There is no urgency for this. Also want to do the part around the door relase. redraw that and add a hexagon pattern.

I'll have to find the propper name for these t-top peices.
Hawks list them, but not in stock. https://www.hawksmotorsports.com/1993-2002-camaro-firebird-gm-t-top-rear-trim-piece-used/
Perhap I could make some and pop on eBay? I wonder if other people are looking for these parts too?
if yours have broke, others will have too
Yes true. Mine was cracked and had been for a long time. The other side had been missing. Perhaps the previous owner just threw it away? Its likely others may have cracked. I may get a few printed up in plain black. Perhaps they will help someone out and I can cover costs.
The drawing has gone pretty well. Printed out a couple of test peices and they now fit perfect, more perfect than the original. This has helped by scanning in the area where the peices need to fit and then customising the shape to fit perfect.

Making the object transpatent and viewing from below, I can check clearences etc...

Very happy with the fitting now, printed out a draft. I will aim to get the hexagon pattern on it some time soon.
How many test peaces have you printed and how much ink stuff have you used???
R & D always expensive then?????
R & D always expensive then?????
Sure is, well If I total up the hours I spent on it, even £5 an hour would come out with a crazy price. But its fun and a chance to create something unique for the car.

Made further progress last night, had been struggling getting a hexagon pattern on there for some time. I tried to follow that youtube bide, I could extract the surface and offset it, but then couldn't "carve" into that surface. There are some feature that are dissabled in the vewrsion I have. However I manages to scektch the hexagon pattern in 2D and wrap it to the model. This worled really well, I thought it would only give me the option to project, but it did indeed wrap. I also had control of the depth. I did expect to have to make holes all the way through an then would need to fill the inside with another process.


This is corse printing at 0.28mm layer thickness. Lines are visible, I will be printing at 0.16mm in two colour, purple and yellow.

We can see an artifact here. The bottom bit is quite thick, and I reckonj it due to cooling that this line happened. I have created more of a curved edfe inside not so the thickness change isn't so sudden.

Popped my youtube name inside, if I do make these they for others, they will be plain blank.

I have changed the hexagone a little for the next revision, The bottom two removed, could a couple more on the right, and the ones at the top are now complete hexagons instead of partial.

I'm planning to print in that new purple, and the inside of the hexagone to be yellow, long with TransAm and WS6 on the front face being yellow. Like the older light purple ones I have.

It will cost a little more to print, in the regeion of £12 for the pair as dual colour requires many colour changes. Gone through many phases of these and just being picky to make things as perfect as possible. Its already a better fit than the original.
The last pic looks like the hex is broken out or not complete at the bottom.








Very pleased with the fitting. Fit so much better than the original. The notch bit that gos around the hard plastic and extends into the material wasn't on the original, I think having this works really well. Plus really liking the hexagon pattern.
Posted the purple pictures ont he Pontiac Owners club facebook page. There are a few people talking about them now.

Currently printing out 4 pairs in black ABS, under £5 in material. I may pop them on eBay, will see how it all goes. Perhaps £20 a pair would be reasonable?
All 4 pairs of black ABS printed. I will have a tinker with those later. See how easy it is to clearout the holes. Plus there are some light patches on the front face, maybe light sanding will fix or make it worse.
Anyway cleared the plate ready for my next print. This will be the final. Wanted to have two colours. I'm happy with the fit and finish of the purple. Lets get some yellow added for the text and filling of the hexagons.

Better set up copy rights quick lol.🤣
Wow how about this. I'm well chuffed with it. Its come out really well. Looking forward to adding it to the car. I'll leave it till after Tuesday. Its club night, so I'll pass these around the table as a talking point.
