Phils Camaro at Goodwood FoS


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Phil lent his car to Chevrolet to show off at Goodwood Festival of speed from thursday through to Sunday. Just came across this news article of his car in the Telegraph.

Was a great couple of days there. I was invited as a VIP guest to the Chevy stand, free drink and food all day. They invited me along as I done a road legal rear indicator conversion for the Camaro.
I am so going next year i have decided. It would have been great being on the Chevy stand. Jealous? Just a tad!! Glad you had a fun day.
Hi Renegades

Well done Phil your Camaro looks awsome! if all goes well we have a brand new Camaro forsale at our show along with a Vauxhall VXR8 from Picador Vauxhall / Chevrolet. Look forward to seeing you soon.

Cheers Superb!