Oz cars at southsea cruise?


Want to thank you all again for welcoming me along to the July cruise, was just wondering if you would mind a few more Holden's coming along? As owners of these cars we are fairly limited to shows/cruises as there are not that many of us and only really have pistonheads to go on, we do have American engines lol!

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I love them so YES!!! It would be awesome if more came along :D
Thankyou I'll invite some and see what happens

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Hell Yeah, will be great to see more of you. :p
Will try to get a good turn out!

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I too am doing the happy dance as i love them too. Having lived there for 7 years i do miss seeing them around so will be fab to have you all come along.
I love to see them too.

They're welcomed at most, not all, American cars shows I think. There's often a healthy Aussie contingent at the AACI shows at Billing. I also think most American car clubs accept them.

Often they have American equivalents too - look at the modern Pontiac GTO/G8, Chevrolet SS & Caprice PPV - all built in Australia by Holden.
All built in Australia though the yanks often dispute that fact lol

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