gosport vehicle rally


New member
august bank holiday Monday if interested please let me know and ill give you details of person in charge to organise a group stand
this vehicle rally is held on stokes bay sea front on a grassed field its a great day with a drive around Gosport in a big convoy of everyone who wants to do it if anyone is interested I think its just £5 per vehicle for entry and all vehicles can be judged if interested please let me know and I can sort things out with the organiser if everyone would like
Thanks for the info. I will get this added to the calender and point people to this thread. We have a club nice this Tuesday so I will pop it on the handout list.
hi I have contacted the organiser and he said we can be judged and have our own area for parking and its a 10% discount for more than 6 cars in a club he needs forms returned two weeks before the show date .
Do you have a flyer online of a facebook event page? I think we can get more coverage to more members via our facebook page.
Okay great. Thanks. Sounds like a good show.