Flying Lesson


Core Member
My sons bought me a trial flying lesson as a birthday present at the beginning of last year. It was put on the back burner due to Covid but I finally had it on Saturday. The instructor was great and let me fly most of the time and virtually land the plane! If you get the chance I can highly recommend it Here are the last few minutes of the flight. It was at Lee On Solent....
You enjoyed it then
Scarey stuff, but also amazing, flying in a 3 diemntional space, must certainly be a different feeling. Prerry much going where ever you please, left right, up down. Loop the Loop.
Very good landing.
Yeah, it was really good. It's pretty cool seeing the runway ahead as the plane lifts off the ground. And yeah, it is strange being able to go higher or lower as well as left or right. Although, above a certain height you don't really get any impression of speed or change in altitude, so you have to reply on the instruments. I wouldn't have fancied doing a loop! 😆