

Super Moderator

I have been using Comodo’s DNS for some time, but Comodo has decided that the Solent Renegades web site is unsafe and blocked access.
I have switched to an open DNS for now, but you need to investigate as anyone that uses Comodo services and DNS will not be able to get to the forum, and let’s face it lots of people have no clue what they use.
Yes I'll need to check if we are on a DNS blocked list, or if something is mis configured. Dont want to loose any potential visitors.
I've run the domain through a few DNS checkers, and non are flagged up anything.
A few months back I changed the DNS lookup to Cloudflare, this is a caching facility,and also helps block attacks. I have now changed this back to our server doing it all so see if that improves things. Cloudflare can help take the load off, however our server can cope, and if cloudflare is making our website look bad than its worth avoiding.
Thats great to know, thanks for checking this again.