30 April Website Speed Issue.

Good point about the browser, I use firefox but my PC is old (Win XP) I tried to download google chrome but computer said no! Guess I'll just have to get a new one.
Trying to implement a module called 'XCache' this basically stores pages if they havn't changed and serves it from the cache. Cuts down a load of database calls. There is a form of caching enabled. XCache is better, although it seems to be enabled, running tests it appears it isn't.
Once i get this going I will look into other ways to make it whizzier.
It seems a bit quicker at the mo. I will keep an beedy eye on things.
The Xcache module I was trying to implement wasn't quite working. It cant fully work as suPHP needs to be enabled, which is a bad security risk so it hasn't been.
MOD_Deflate has been enabled which compressed the files and then uncompressed when viewed which saves on transfer time.

About 1.74seconds ro reload this page, 2.44 to fully load. I'm pretty happy with that. :)