Goodbye Lenny :(


Club co ordinator
Well my little friend has gone on to pastures new as i could no longer get Kaan in and out and with the buggy wasn't really practical. I am very sad as some of you will know that i loved that little car. However i now have a new friend called Jimmy who is a Grand Cherokee Jeep. I know he is not a classic but he is still Yank in my eyes. I just need to pimp him a little thats all!!!
Pimp with 20 inch rims. When its the year to take him to school, get some monster truck wheels for it. You could have one of the biggest vehicle in a queue of women dropping the kids off.
Pimp with 20 inch rims. When its the year to take him to school, get some monster truck wheels for it. You could have one of the biggest vehicle in a queue of women dropping the kids off.

It just so happens......