Annual Vehicle tax


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Went to tax the T/A, the letter said £265 per year, went to tax online its gone up to £270, I should have taxed it last month, may have saved £5. Although we cant really drive them these days, perhaps I should have declared SORN until the lock down has passed, which may be August.
Yep sorn it we have done that even if it's only a month or 2 it's money saved and taxman don't get it.
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That’s why you buy a US import and not a Euro homologated version. F**k the EU!
Phew, I thought you were paying crazy prices for your car there. What do they class yours as? Mine old so taxed on engine size.
I'm not complaining about my road tax after seeing these figures.

A car over 255 co2 is over £2k Road tax a year. Just looks up the V8 mustangs. Many models well over 255.

That’s ‘only’ the first year registration levy. Subsequent years are £145 per annum, unless the list price was over £40k, then there is a £350 uplift to £465 per annum.

Glad I’ve only got two of those. The Mini and Camaro are less!
That’s ‘only’ the first year registration levy. Subsequent years are £145 per annum, unless the list price was over £40k, then there is a £350 uplift to £465 per annum.

Glad I’ve only got two of those. The Mini and Camaro are less!
Thanks for the info. Just saw it on the dvla website and thought they are crazy tax prices. Not so bad if its just the first year, following years still high but far better.
Thanks for the info. Just saw it on the dvla website and thought they are crazy tax prices. Not so bad if its just the first year, following years still high but far better.

Better I suppose, but our annual road tax bill is £1340 - still makes me get a twitch on when pay it.......