Transformers airbrush on Pauls camaro


Core Member
Who airbrushed it onto his car?
My friend matt would like to get one of his guitars airbrushed. So i was wondering if whoever done it on Pauls camaro would be able to airbrush a guitar.
Thanks :D
Hey Jack you need to speak to Keith (The tall guy from Bognor who wears the dungarees) He did it so may be able to help your friend. I will PM his number to you. x
Yep, Kieths your man, Stunning work - He oftyen brings some of his work to club nights.
thanks chris!! will have a talk with matt if he is 100% sure about airbrushing his guitar. thanks you chris and tracey :)
Hi All

Does Keith get to many club nights? I have only seen him at a few (unless I have just missed him maybe). I need to speak to him too, as my brother in law wants his Vespa air brushed.

Kieth has done some scooyters in the past so will be your man for the job. Often brings his portfolio with him. Look for the big man in bibs and bvraces.
That'll please my brother in law! Thanks Chris, I will look out for him on Tuesday.
