More Train Strikes


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What's everyone's opinion on the strikes?

I guess they have a good reason for it, and I don't know their full reasons, but what we do hear on the news is more strikes due to union reps. Then that got me thinking, what is the difference between a terrorist and a union rep? They both try to stop public services and bring disruption. Yes I know one isn't out to harm people, but they both have similarities. Now as I say I don't know why the unions are doing it, but to an outsider it seems they enjoy creating panic and disruption and trying to plan it for the best disruption they can.
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The way I look at it seeing as though I used to catch the train on a daily basis for nearly 6 years is that it’s unfair for the hundreds and thousands of people not getting to and from work, holidays, seeing family etc etc.

They should be bloody glad they’ve got jobs - there are plenty of people out there who haven’t that would love a job!
Sadly, there are companies who don't have the best interests of their employees at heart, therefore I think unions do have a place. But I also think it is true to say they abuse their power far too often. Although I couldn't compare them to terrorists.
Companies like to bully there staff. Wonder why they have a high turn over of staff
Although I couldn't compare them to terrorists.

I would. Terrorists bring about change through an undemocratic process. Some use fear and weapons whilst unions hold industry to ransom. Both without a thought for who suffers, or more importantly caring.
I would. Terrorists bring about change through an undemocratic process. Some use fear and weapons whilst unions hold industry to ransom. Both without a thought for who suffers, or more importantly caring.

Metaphorically speaking I agree, that's the exact abuse of their power I meant. Although, as Darren says, employers who bully staff do sometimes need someone bigger to answer to. But other than the metaphorical comparison, to me, there can be no nother similarity between the actions of unions and terrorists. We have all been inconvenienced by the result of industrial action at some point and I know how far reaching the effects of such things can be, but that must surely pale into insignificance when compared to what the victims and families of things like the Westminster Bridge or Paris gun attacks must have gone through. That was all I meant.
British Leyland
British Rail
British Coal
All dead.

Yep. Well, British Rail (which we all used to own) was effectively privatised...result? Higher fares, little improvement in service.

But to respond to the question that started this thread, I am staggered to think the Train Guards dispute is still going on. I take it that's what the aforementioned strikes are about?
The unions played their part in bringing about privatisation and Dr Beeching obliged.

Really? I thought he was dead by the time British Rail was privatised. He died in 1985 and the privatisation didn't begin until 1994. I think we have to thank Jonn Major for that.
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No, he began the process long before.

Ahh, OK. I didn't know that. I'd always thought he was more responsible for what happened before it's natiolisation (it was private before that of course). I can't say I know much about it to be honest but I did know that he closed an awful lot of train routes. It makes interesting reading. Seems his actions weren't too popular and are still viewed as controversial today. Although, Ive struggled to find anything to indicate unions had anything to do with it's eventual privatisation in the 90's.