Club Night - July 2nd 2013


Club Photographer
Another nice turn out for club night :) we even had a few extra's too. Neo brought along her beautiful snake (which Garrett, an American football player, looked terrified off!! Haha!) and her friend too, and I'm so useless with names but I'm Neo will re-jog my memory!

Here is a link to the photographs I took that night......Club Night - July 2nd 2013 from sarah's albums
Simon! \o/ Ex-Saturn owner. Had 'em here in Portsmouth for years...

Was an interesting night, for sure. I was everywhere! Thanks for the cool night everyone. And Denali, the snake, will show up once in a while for socializing (need to make sure he stays friendly! Haahaa!). But not at shows, so please stop asking to bring to shows (pet insurance issue. No liability if someone decides they hate snakes and hurt my reptiles *at a show*. Club nights? Good :D )

Nice shots, Sarah. And one complementary of the beast-coupe. Heehee ;) Argh! And maybe next time Denali will sit still, eh? :p