11 things we learned about Merc"s AMG GT S on a road-trip


Well-known member
Written by Ollie Kew

A while ago a man from Mercedes asked if TG would like to join the AMG teams for a snoop about their pit garages before watching the N rburgring 24 Hours. This decision took approximately three seconds to make.The choices were a) take a local flight to Germany and then a taxi to the Nordschleife, or b) spending four times as long driving out from London to the Ring in something appropriate.And so, a couple of weeks later, a Mercedes-AMG GT S apparently specced by Bruce Wayne slunk through the Top Gear office gates. We decided to use the GT S exactly as intended: a schporty charge across Western Europe. Here"s what we found out

Date written: 9 Jun 2016

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ID: 3772

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