Stop everything! This is a naked carbon Koenigsegg Regera


Well-known member
Written by Rowan Horncastle

Dribble trays at the ready, people. This is the first and only bare carbon Koenigsegg Regera and it"s quite a thing. Quite a menacing thing, in fact. Now, you may be aware that all 80 of the 1,479bhp, 1,475lb ft, 250mph bonkers hybrid hypercars from Sweden (all sold, by the way) are made out of carbon. But this is a very special type of carbon. It"s called "Koenigsegg Naked Carbon", or KNC for short, and is a special, incredibly time consuming and expensive type of carbon that looks fantastic but also saves weight. It"s produced like all other forms of carbon fibre (lots of heat, epoxy and an autoclave), but where this differs is that each and every panel is then sanded down to the weave by hand to give a unique silky look and feel. It"s a precise process requiring a steady hand, as if the worker sands too hard past the weave the whole thing has to be thrown in the bin. Not one for the morning after the Christmas party then.

Date written: 6 Dec 2018

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