We both spent the afternoon replacing all the rear suspension bushes on the Fiero. Had the parts for a while but never had the time to get on and do it.
Car drives much nicer with no squeaks at all (the roll bar was beginning to squeak!)
Thanks to hubby for doing this for me. I did help and have grained in dirt on my hands and under my nails to prove lol
Burning out old bushes is never a job I enjoy, but those new poly eurothane bushes came in two pieces so just pushed home. Time consuming but satisfying when an improvement is noticed.
And that completes the Fiero suspension with every component except springs replaced in the last 3 years.
Have to agree an88firo new bushes big differance,
Dan you broke into a secutrity area and opened gates to do a burn out good man lol
oH yes and i did bearings on my diff on the TA ...
Washed it, but even drying it was a challenge due to the heavy rain that followed. My plans for a coat of polish and a bit of detailing got washed away!
Had a look at the air filter (will be sticking in a K&N soon) and repositioned the top lip of the front bumper so that it looks better. Haven't touched the Nova today though. Tomorrow will be putting the battery back in and driving it
Well yesterday I looked at the Camaro (we had the garage open for the lawn mower lol) Although next weekend I'll be picking up oil, coolant, etc to give her a proper service when we drag her out of the garage....not to mention a damn good clean!!