pay per mile

saleen 192

Core Member


Think of the millage lorry drivers do ? service engineers ?your 3pound delivery charge for your home delivery charge will go up postal service, all the home delivery service dpd, fedex taxi drivers air port services

these people are sitting on the bench with 2nd homes getting paid 150k plus all the expenses
and jo public on minim wage has to pay for all their mistakes and only takes home on average 26k takes 6 years to earn what they do on overage


Think of the millage lorry drivers do ? service engineers ?your 3pound delivery charge for your home delivery charge will go up postal service, all the home deleivery service dpd,fedex taxi drivers air port services
We already pay per mile on fuel. Does that mean there will be no tax on fuel back to the 59p per gallon days?
Perhaps trains are fine to get to and from work. I used to ge ton the train when I worked in London for a computer games company. That was 20 years again now. Trains probably cost a lot more and more strikes. Bring back british rail.
They do have planned strikes when they want more money, they plan this at critical times like christmas or easter holidays, they appear to try to time it when familes are wanting to travel longer distances. They even done a planned strikes when Goodwood Festival of speed was on a couple of years back, which ment the A27 was even more gridlocked than usual.
To be honest I dont really consider using a train to go places anymore, they are probably reliable alot of the time, but the couple of times I have planned to use them its been cancelled. Those couple of times has really put me off, even though 100's of times they have been fine.

I'm fine with pay per mile if they take the tax off fuel, as that is effectivly pay per mile on liquid fuel vehicles.
pay per mile could effect business and people living in countryside and who have to travel to work as there is no sutible public transport in their area,
hgv do tons of millage so cost of goods will go up, taxi driver will put prices up,
more cost to emergency services, more cost to mobile careers
cant believe the rac are backing this as this would impact them as less cars on the road so less breakdowns also less cars mean less work for garages if you use pubic transport if you can afford or want to be in debt buying a EV vehicle that puts strain of your money,
Maybe should be emissions tax.
Also some form of road tax depending on weight. The heavier you are the more damage to roads.